FPSO Storage Tank Surveys
Sonar Surveys has earned an enviable reputation for reliable, accurate and cost-effective cavern integrity inspections since its inception in 2009. In addition to its sonar engineering teams with over 30 years of experience, it is Sonar Surveys’ commitment to pushing the technology envelope in oil field applications that sets it apart. One such example would be the patented Storage Tank Surveyor™, designed and manufactured by SONASEARCH. This fully beamformed, phased array sonar tool provides an extremely accurate image of features, anomalies and problem areas in fluid-filled cargo tanks - without the need to remove the tank from service. In the hands of the extremely experienced Sonar Surveys sonar engineers, the Storage Tank Surveyor has the ability to take on new tasks, previously thought impossible. FPSO Cargo Tanks are in need of the technology that we at Sonar Surveys provide. We have the capabilities to provide service not just to storage tanks on land, but seaborne tanks, as well.
To enhance safety, productivity & revenue while minimizing environmental concerns, safety issues and costs, operators need to measure, monitor and maintain cargo tank integrity. Where are the problem areas? What is the level of structural degradation? At what point will the anomaly need to be repaired? This is often an arduous, time-consuming, costly task. It would be a great advantage if the cargo tank walls could be meticulously inspected in an automated, reliable way. It would be even better if the location and extent of corrosion and other anomalies could be detected, measured and stored for comparison with previous surveys.
The Storage Tank Surveyor™ does just exactly that, with a level of detail that allows operators to characterize the rate of deterioration and make decisions regarding cargo tank maintenance with the confidence they are doing so in an informed, cost-effective manner. Sonar Surveys plans to employ the STS to provide operators the much needed knowledge to run at 100%.